Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Winter
Review Article(s)
Many in-flight caterings have met their passenger’s demands which are high quality hygienic food services prosperously by implementation of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system in their establishment. According to this approach, one of the Iranian in-flight catering has implemented HACCP plan as well. But there are latent technical barriers which consist of all those practices, attitudes, and perceptions that can negatively affect understanding of the HACCP concept and therefore resulting improper and inefficient implementation and maintenance of the HACCP principles. They should be recognized and examined as a primary step in the improvement of any HACCP implementation strategy. These barriers are dissimilar from country to country or from production to production. In this study, applied methods for overcoming some kinds of barriers, limitations and best practices in Iranian and other foreign in-flight caterings have been scrutinized and recognized and compared with each other.
Original Article(s)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDFs), collectively termed dioxins, as well as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widespread environmental contaminants. A local survey was carried out on seven samples of pasteurized full-fat grade milk commercially available in Qazvin in 2013 to assess the concentrations of PCDD/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) in pasteurized cow’s milk. The mean concentration of PCDD/PCDFs for pasteurized samples determined 0.74 pg toxic equivalent [TEQ]/g fat (range 0.34-1.10). In this survey observed in all samples of pasteurized milk the mean of total TEQ concentration was 0.880 pg TEQ/g fat that lower than the thresholds defined by the European Union regulations for the sum of PCDD/PCDFs and DL-PCBs (P < 0.05). This difference could be possible because of the industrial condition in Qazvin. As a result of the importance of the issue, it is suggested that planning must carry out to control and prevent these types of compounds into the food chain.
Food additives are the most common substances that are used in food industries. Different bioassays are required for the determination of mixtures of food additives. In this study, the toxicity of three common synthetic food dyes such as Carmoisine, Sunset Yellow, and Brilliant Blue in combination of aspartame was screened against the larvae of Artemia salina. At first, lethal dose50 (LD50) of each food additives was calculated and then the combinations of them were assayed. Results showed that the toxicity of Sunset Yellow with aspartame (LD50 = 42 µg/ml) is more than other dyes and the combination of Carmoisine with aspartame (LD50 = 88.25) is the safer than others.
Dicrocoelios is is one of the zoonotic dis eas es in the world that have public health and economic pers pectives . The aim of this s tudy was to inves tigate the prevalence of dicrocoelios is in s laughtered animals in the indus trial s laughterhous e of Arak, Iran (2007– 2010). In this s tudy, we inves tigated 648,994 head of animals including, 292,797 s heep, 81,012 cows and 275,185 goats . Their carcas s es were ins pected us ing macros copic method for hydatid cys t in livers and lungs . Data analys is was performed by Chi-s quare tes t and IBM SPSS s oftware (vers ion 16.0). The prevalence frequency of dicrocoelios is in s laughtered cattle was 7550 head with the mos t infected animals of 3359 goats , 3198 s heep, and 993 cows , res pectively. Meanwhile, the year 2008 with the 1.9% of infected cattle and year 2010 with a 0.7% of infected cattle were the highes t and lowes t infected cattle years . Dicrocoelios is prevalence of infection is relatively low, but incurring economic los s es due to the deleting of infes ted organs of animals and decreas e in lives tock products , indicates the exis tence of conditions for health ris ks for res idents which requires more inclus ive and comprehens ive s anitary and control meas ures due to this paras ite’s life cycle and trans mis s ion .
Despite of useful information on important factors of screening tests for the detection of drug residues in milk, the choice of a suitable test is still difficult. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different tests, including Copan, maximum residue limit (MRL) β- lactam and lactic coagulation test for routine screening of milk containing β-lactam antibiotics. Blank milk samples were added with different concentrations of three β- lactams, including penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin, and examined then by all three tests. Both Copan milk and MRL β-lactam tests were easy to use and sensitive to mentioned β- lactams at or below the MRLs established by European Union, but lactic coagulation test was not able to detect them at or even exceeding the safe level of MRLs. Copan test was also easier to interpret and less expensive while the results of MRL β-lactam were obtained in a short time. Depend on purpose, both Copan and MRL β-lactam tests can be applied as a screening test for the detection of β-lactams in raw milk.
Cream and pastry cream are used so much in the confectionary industry. Contaminations of whipped cream are even more than pastry cream. Microbial contaminations causes human to have contagious diseases by the digestive system of converse mentioned diseases depend on methods of making and keeping of cream. Food habits, health care by persons who making pastry cream and primary and secondary contamination of cream. The goal of this study is a prevalence of microbial contamination in pastry cream supplied in Arak. In this study, total of 120 samples were randomly obtained from confectioneries and analyzed for microbial contamination levels, according to Iran’s national standards. Results show that among 120 samples which were tested, 115 samples (95.8%) were non-use and contaminated to various microbes. Ninety eight (81.6%) samples were positive to entrobacteriaceaes (>1 × 102CFU/g), 5 (4.2%) samples were positive to mold (>3 × 102 CFU/g), and 115 (95.8%)samples were contaminated to yeasts (>1 × 103 CFU/g). Thirty six (30%) samples were positive to Escherichia coli and no Salmonella was detected in any samples of pastriescream. It was concluded that health conditions of production for pastries cream is low and it needs to promote the hygiene and safety in the production line of pastry cream.
Staphylococcus aureus is a ubiquitous organis m commonly is olated from bulk raw milk s uffering from mas titis that res ulted as a major concern for the s afety of traditionally produced chees es . Pres ervative materials us age can prevent the growth of S. aureus during chees e making. Ros a damas cena petals extract have antibacterial and antioxidant properties activities agains t. The aim of this s tudy is to inves tigate the effect of bacterios tatic extract of R. damas cena petals on growth of S. aureus is olated from Iranian traditional ch ees e. In this inves tigation, the extraction of R. damas cena petals was produced after s oaking in ethanol and dis tillation under vacuum evaporator rotary. The concentrations of extraction were prepared in 4000, 2000, 1000, and 500 ppm and the bacterios tatic effects of extract were meas ured with calculating the diameter of inhibition zone in microbial culture medium. Res ults s howed that the maximum inhibition affect was the concentration 4000 ppm. It was concluded that the extraction of R. damas cena petals can be us eful as a natural bacterios tatic additive for the control of S. aureus in traditional chees e.
Food-borne pathogenic is a group of micro -organis ms that caus e food -borne illnes s thus , the res earch for finding effective drugs agains t this infection is neces s ary. Staphylococcus aureus is the major caus e of food -borne and nos ocomial infection in las t decade and methicillin res is tant S. aureus (MRSA) has emerged as a major clinical problem. The aim of the pres ent s tudy was to compare different phenotypic methods with genotypic method by polymeras e chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of MRSA s trains . Sens itivity to methicillin was als o inves tigated by oxacillin, methicillin, cefotetan, cefoxitin, cefmetazole dis ks , the data tab, and dis k diffus ion method and oxacillin s trip. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of thes e is olates was determined by us ing micro-broth dilution. A total of 186 is olates of S. aureus with PCR method (gold s tandard) were detected. About 95 is olates were methicillin -s ens itive S. aureus , and 91 is olates were MRSA. Among the diagnos tic methods s tudied, micro - broth dilution and cefoxitin dis k had the mos t s pecificity with 98.9% and 94.7%, res pectively. The s ens itivity of them was 100.0% and 98.9%, res pectively. Furthermore, the concordance with PCR was 98.9% and 93.6%, res pectively. The cefotetan and cefmetazole dis ks had the lowes t concordance with the res ults of PCR. Due to the neces s ity of us ing s imple, reliable and low-cos t methods in routine diagnos tic laboratories it s eems us e of cefoxitin dis k s till be cons idered as one of recommended methods for detecting MRSA is olates .