Review Article

Implementation of hazard analysis critical control point in one of the Iranian flight catering establishment: technical barriers and strategies


Many in-flight caterings have met their passenger’s demands which are high quality hygienic food services prosperously by implementation of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system in their establishment. According to this approach, one of the Iranian in-flight catering has implemented HACCP plan as well. But there are latent technical barriers which consist of all those practices, attitudes, and perceptions that can negatively affect understanding of the HACCP concept and therefore resulting improper and inefficient implementation and maintenance of the HACCP principles. They should be recognized and examined as a primary step in the improvement of any HACCP implementation strategy. These barriers are dissimilar from country to country or from production to production. In this study, applied methods for overcoming some kinds of barriers, limitations and best practices in Iranian and other foreign in-flight caterings have been scrutinized and recognized and compared with each other.
IssueVol 1 No 1 (2015): Winter QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
In-flight catering Hazard analysis critical control point implementation Technical barriers Critical control points Pre-requisite programs

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How to Cite
Yavari H, Jahed-Khaniki G, Mohseni M, Kamali K. Implementation of hazard analysis critical control point in one of the Iranian flight catering establishment: technical barriers and strategies. J Food Safe & Hyg. 2015;1(1):1-7.