Involvement of oxidative stress in the sulfadiazine hepatotoxicity in chicken embryo model
Drug residues and its side effects are one of the major problems in global concerning for food contamination. Veterinary drugs in food-producing animals have potential to generate residues in animal-derived products and pose a health hazard to the customers. Sulfadiazine (SDZ) is a group of synthetic antibiotics with broad-spectrum effects. The present study was conducted to assess SDZ hepatotoxicity in chicken embryo models. SDZ was injected on the day 4 of chicken’s incubation. Afterward, the livers and serum samples were collected after hatching. In addition, oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in organs and blood were measured, respectively. We found that there was a significant change in the liver’s enzyme activities. Histopathological findings and liver enzyme activity indicated that SDZ is a hepatotoxic agent. There was a significant increase in lipid peroxidation, and also the same decrease was observed in glutathione level. Furthermore, a small reduction in ferric reducing/antioxidant power and total carotenoids were seen. Overall, the results of this study suggested the presence of oxidative stress in SDZ hepatotoxicity. These data might be useful in applying antioxidant components for protection of hepatotoxicity associated with SDZ therapy.Kan CA, Petz M. Residues of veterinary drugs in eggs and their distribution between yolk and white. J Agric Food Chem 2000; 48: 6397-6403.
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Issue | Vol 2 No 1/2 (2016): Winter/Spring | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Sulfadiazine Toxic hepatitis Oxidative stress Chickens |
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