Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Winter

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 199 | views: 153 | pages: 1-10
    The eradication of Sarcocystis-infected corpses costs the meat industry millions of dollars each year. Because this parasite is most commonly found in skeletal and cardiac muscles, preventative and control techniques such as inactivating or destroying the bradyzoites in infected meat are critical. The goal of this research was to look at the various methods for inactivating this parasite and to compare the results of these methods. Using internet databases from many fields and around the world, a systematic review of the literature was conducted. Heating, freezing, irradiation, and marination were all utilized to inactivate this parasite, and each had a distinct effect, according to the studies. Inactivation can be achieved by heating at 60°C for 20 min or freezing at -4ºC for 2 days. Also, 2 kGy of gamma rays and marination in 6% NaCl and 3% acetic acid for 48 h are enough.

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 134 | views: 154 | pages: 11-26
    The inhibitory effects of essential oil (EO) on bacteria development give them an important role in the fields of the food industry as an additive in food packaging. This study was aimed to identify the effect of Lavandula stoechas EO at different concentrations on chicken fillets quality during refrigerated storage. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities showed that EO extracted has an important antibacterial activity and antiradical potential. In chicken fillets, the lavender EO (100 and 200 ppm) reduced their oxidation and microbial proliferation during refrigerated storage and with no cytotoxicity effect towards murine macrophage cells. During the storage period, the values of pH, dry matter, acidity and cooking loss of treated fillets were lower than that of the control. The statistical analyses proved greatly significant variations of color between the control and the treated by LEO, during storage. The sensory analysis selected an improvement effect in the organoleptic quality of the chicken meat when it was supplemented by 100 ppm of LEO. The statistical analysis of the microbiological characteristics clearly discriminated the control and those treated with LEO (p<0.05). The effectiveness of LEO was proved by its incorporation as a natural food preservative and the improvement of the shelf life of poultry meat products by about 3 days.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 129 | views: 165 | pages: 27-37
    Food-borne diseases are important globally because they cause significant death and treatment costs in the world. In this study, the researchers used a validated and trusted questionnaire to carry out this cross-sectional study of 384 women from Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, recruited through stratified random selection. The main objective of the study was to examine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women (KAP) in Ahvaz, which played the main role in the preparation of food at home. Women exhibited a high level of KAP when it came to the most significant variables linked with food poisoning. The attitudes and practices of women, as well as their knowledge, were linked. Our findings revealed that the women in Ahvaz had a high degree of knowledge about how to protect themselves from food-borne illnesses; Some practices, however, posed a risk to food safety. More knowledge and training about the risks of consuming raw or semi-processed foods are required.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 351 | views: 371 | pages: 38-51
    In the present study, hygiene conditions and meat handling practices of poultry butchers are assessed by using a hygiene assessment tool. The study was conducted in the Hyderabad and Jamshoro districts of Pakistan from April 2019 to February 2020. A total of fifty slaughtering facilities were selected based on convenient sampling techniques and butchers from those shops were interviewed by using a hygienic assessment tool. Moreover, socio-demographic details of butchers were also recorded by questionnaire survey. The hygiene assessment tool comprises three domains, personal hygiene index (PHI), meat hygiene index (MHI) and slaughtering facility hygiene index (SFHI). Each of the indexes consists of certain observations and each of the positive observations was scored one, while negative observation was scored zero. It has been revealed from this study that more than 50% of butchers were without any education and none of the butchers had received any formal training in slaughtering and meat handling practices. Basic pre-requisites of hygiene such as handwashing facilities and clean water were missing in all of the slaughtering facilities. More than 30 and 50 percent of butchers scored the least (between zero – one) in PHI MHI and SFHI. However, the total score of butchers with a higher level of education was greater (p < 0.05) than with a lower education level. To improve hygiene levels and reduce transmission of diseases due to the consumption of contaminated meat, regular surveillance of the poultry shops and formal training of butchers are necessary.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 139 | views: 176 | pages: 52-59
    Pickled cucumber is frequently consumed by Iranians. According to the production process, there are two forms of pickled cucumber including industrial and fermentative. There is not an appropriate monitoring system available for the production of the latter form; therefore, high levels of heavy metals might be present in this type of pickled cucumber. Accordingly, so the levels of cadmium, zinc, lead and copper were measured in fermentative pickled cucumbers obtained from the Tehran market via the polarographic method. Polarography is a subclass of voltammetry where the working electrode is a dropping mercury electrode (DME) or a static mercury drop electrode (SMDE), which are useful for their wide cathodic ranges and renewable surfaces. Fifty different samples of pickled cucumbers were purchased from the market. Of each sample, dry ashes were produced. Measurement was repeated three times and the acquired data was then analyzed. The mean levels of zinc and copper in the evaluated samples were significantly lower than the standard limits respectively presented by the EOS and Codex (P value<0.001) while the mean level of cadmium and lead was slightly higher than the standard limit established by Codex with no significant differences observed (P values=0.450 and 0.246, respectively).
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 138 | views: 260 | pages: 60-67
    Foodborne diseases still occur and affect 30 % of people in the world annually. Existing data related to the status of food safety and health indicators of food services facilities in Qom province indicate that a low percentage of these centers have the necessary criteria in the principles of food safety. According to the factors affecting the promotion of food health and safety indicators, this study was conducted to identify and investigate the factors affecting the risk of food safety in food supply centers in Qom in 2018. In this cross-sectional study, the required data were obtained through validated questionnaires about food safety and environmental health of food services facilities (n=380). Also, the effectiveness of variables such as training on food safety principles through designing before and after study, educational certification, having trading licenses, ownership, urban health status and the age of operators, have been assessed by food safety factors based on relevant tests. The results showed that the training of food handlers in improving and upgrading food safety conditions has had a significant increase. (49 %, mean 5.44 %, SD 3.20 ±, p < 0.001) Also variables such as education level (p < 0.05) and educational certification (p < 0.001) have been effective in increasing food safety and health standards. In order to improve the level of food safety, reviewing the process of educational programs, strengthening educational equipment and media and inter-sectorial coordination to strengthen the role of education should be planned. The food holders, managers of the food establishment and local health experts should enhance the food safety practice.