Review Article

The legal applications of official supervision and controls based on hygiene, the evaluation of microbiological criteria from past to present in Turkey: Review


General and specific hygiene requirements of the food facilities were published in compliance with the European Union regulations in 2010 in issue No. 29 under the section headlined “hygiene” within the frame of Law No. 5996 on Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed. Accordingly, the manufacturer has to follow the rules mentioned in “Regulation on Food Hygiene” and “Regulation of Special Hygiene Rules for Animal Food” to provide food hygiene in all phases of production, processing and distribution, including the primary phase. The criteria mentioned in the regulation appendices are in key position in the control and prevention of microbiological hazards. No provision exists regarding any microbiological detection out of legal criteria. Pathogens resulted in foodborne outbreaks or cases have an important role in legal sanctions. The legal application for official controls based on hygiene rules, legal regulations in microbiological criteria and scientific research data have been reviewed.

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IssueVol 2 No 1/2 (2016): Winter/Spring QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Regulation Legal application Food safety

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How to Cite
ÖZÇAKMAK S, Var I, Akbulut O. The legal applications of official supervision and controls based on hygiene, the evaluation of microbiological criteria from past to present in Turkey: Review. J Food Safe & Hyg. 2017;2(1/2):1-7.