Furan in processed food: formation, toxicology and monitoring: a Review
Furan is an organic, and volatile compound that formed in some of the heat-treated foods duringthermal processing. Thermal degradation of ascorbic acid, amino acids, carbohydrates, unsaturatedfatty acids, and carotenoids can form this compound. In Europe, furan dietary exposure wasestimated to range between 1.23 and 1.01 μg/kg bw/day for adults and 3 to 12 month-old infants,respectively. It is known that this compound has hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic effects in ratsand mice, also stimulate carcinogenicity is possible features in a genetic pathway. Since a genotoxicmode of action cannot be ejected for furan-induced tumor formation, there is a relatively smalldifference between possible human exposure and the doses in experimental animals required toproduce carcinogenic effects. This review summarizes the present knowledge of furan toxicity,human dietary exposure to furan. As well as, the role of some important factors, for example, heatingtemperature for furan formation process in a vast range of heated foods, increases the need toestablishing the risk resulting from the genotoxic and carcinogenic characteristics of this compound.
1.Crews C, Castle L. A review of the occurrence, formationand analysis of furan in heat-processed foods. Trends inFood Sci & Technol 2007; 18: 365-372.
2.Mariotti MS, Granby K, Rozowski J, et al. Furan: acritical heat induced dietary contaminant. Food Funct2013; 4: 1001-1015.
3.US FDA. 2004a. Exploratory data of furan in foods. 7May 2004 (updated 2 August 2007) (cited: 21.07.2008)..
4.US FDA. 2004b.Furan: Mechanisms of Formation andLevels in Food. 7 May 2004 (cited: 3.06.2013)..
5.US FDA. 2004c. Center for Food Safety and AppliedNutrition (CFSAN/Office of Plant and Dairy Foods).(2004, May 7). Questions and answers on theoccurrence of furan in food..
6.Becalski A, Forsyth D, Casey V, et al. Development andvalidation of a headspace method for determination offuran in food. Food Addit Contam 2005; 22: 535-540.
7.Morehouse KM, Nyman PJ, McNeal TP, et al. Surveyof furan in heat processed foods by headspace gaschromatography/mass spectrometry and estimated adultexposure. Food Addit Contam 2008; 25: 259-264.
8.Perez Locas C and Yaylayan VA. Origin andmechanistic pathways of formation of the parent furanA food toxicant. J Agri Food Chem 2004; 52: 6830-6836.
9.Roberts D, Crews C, Grundy H, et al. Effect ofconsumer cooking on furan in convenience foods. FoodAddit Contam 2008; 25: 25-31.
10.Minorczyk M, Starski A, Jedra M, et al. Studies on theoccurrence of furan in food for infants by gaschromatography with mass spectrometry method.Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny 2011; 62:283-288.
11.EFSA, Results on themonitoring of furan levels in food.EFSA Scientific Report 2009, 304, 1–23.
12.Hasnip S, Crews C and Castle L. Some factors affectingthe formation of furan in heated foods. Food AdditContam 2006; 23: 219-227.
13.Moro S, Chipman JK, Wegener JW, et al. Furan in heat‐treated foods: Formation, exposure, toxicity, andaspects of risk assessment. Mol Nutr Food Res 2012;56: 1197-1211.
14.Yaylayan V. Precursors, formation and determination of furan in food. J Consum Prot Food Safe 2006; 1: 5-9.
15.Limacher A, Kerler J, Davidek T, et al. Formation offuran and methylfuran by Maillard-type reactions inmodel systems and food. J Agri Food Chem 2008; 56:3639-3647.
16.Fromberg A, Fagt S and Granby K. Furan in heatprocessed food products including home cooked foodproducts and ready‐to‐eat products. EFSA SupportPublic 2009; 6.
17.Fan X, Huang L, Sokorai KJ. Factors affectingthermally induced furan formation. J Agri Food Chem2008; 56: 9490-9494.
18.IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)(1995) Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenicrisks to humans, volume 63. Dry cleaning, somechlorinated solvents and other industrial chemicals.IARC, Lyon, pp 3194–3407.
19.Bakhiya N and Appel KE. Toxicity and carcinogenicityof furan in human diet. Arch Toxicol 2010; 84: 563-578.
20.Hamadeh HK, Jayadev S, Gaillard ET, et al. Integrationof clinical and gene expression endpoints to explorefuran-mediated hepatotoxicity. Mutation. Res/FundMol Mech Mutagen 2004; 549: 169-183.
21.Moser GJ, Foley J, Burnett M, et al. Furan-induceddose–response relationships for liver cytotoxicity, cellproliferation, and tumorigenicity (furan-induced livertumorigenicity). Exp Toxicol Pathol 2009; 61: 101-111.
22.Ding W, Petibone DM, Latendresse JR, et al. In vivogenotoxicity of furan in F344 rats at cancer bioassaydoses. Toxicol Applied Pharm 2012; 261: 164-171.
23.Mcdaniel P, Mittelstaedt A, Dobrovolsky N, et al.Genotoxicity of Furan in Big Blue Rats. Environ MolMutagen 2010; 51: 728.
24.Mally A, Graff C, Schmal O, et al. Functional andproliferative effects of repeated low‐dose oraladministration of furan in rat liver. Mol Nutr Food Res2010; 54: 1556-1567.
25.Selmanoğlu G, Karacaoğlu E, Kılıç A, et al. Toxicity offood contaminant furan on liver and kidney of growingmale rats. Environ Toxicol 2012; 27: 613-622.
26.Gill S, Bondy G, Lefebvre D, et al. Subchronic oraltoxicity study of furan in Fischer-344 rats. ToxicolPathol 2010; 38: 619-630.
27.Kataoka H, Lord HL and Pawliszyn J. Applications ofsolid-phase microextraction in food analysis. J chromA 2000; 880: 35-62.
28.Altaki M, Santos F and Galceran M. Analysis of furanin foods by headspace solid-phase microextraction–gaschromatography–ion trap mass spectrometry. J ChromA 2007; 1146: 103-109.
29.Leopardi P, Cordelli E, Villani P, et al. Assessment ofin vivo genotoxicity of the rodent carcinogen furan:evaluation of DNA damage and induction ofmicronuclei in mouse splenocytes. Mutagen 2009; 25:57-62.
30.Neuwirth C, Mosesso P, Pepe G, et al. Furancarcinogenicity: DNA binding and genotoxicity offuran in rats in vivo. Mol Nutr Food Res 2012; 56:1363-1374.
31.Hibi D, Yokoo Y, Suzuki Y, et al. Lack of genotoxicmechanisms in early‐stage furan‐inducedhepatocellular tumorigenesis in gpt delta rats. J ApplToxicol 2017; 37: 142-149.
32.Alam RT, Zeid EHA and Imam TS. Protective role ofquercetin against hematotoxic and immunotoxic effectsof furan in rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2017; 24:3780-3789.
33.Wang E, Chen F, Hu X, et al. Protective effects ofapigenin against furan-induced toxicity in mice. FoodFunct 2014; 5: 1804-1812.
34.Hickling K, Hitchcock J, Chipman J, et al. Inductionand progression of cholangiofibrosis in rat liver injuredby oral administration of furan. Toxicol Pathol 2010;38: 213-229.
Koçkaya EA, Kılıç A, Karacaoğlu E, et al. Doesfuran affect the thymus in growing male rats? DrugChem Toxicol 2012; 35: 316-323.
36.Becalski A and Seaman S. Furan precursors in food: amodel study and development of a simple headspacemethod for determination of furan. J AOAC Inter 2005;88: 102-106.
37.Zoller O, Sager F and Reinhard H. Furan in food:headspace method and product survey. Food AdditContam 2007; 24: 91-107.
38.Märk J, Pollien P, Lindinger C, et al. Quantitation offuran and methylfuran formed in different precursorsystems by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry.J Agri Food Chem 2006; 54: 2786-2793.
39.Kim MY, Her J-Y, Kim MK, et al. Formation andreduction of furan in a soy sauce model system. FoodChem 2015; 189: 114-119.
40.Shinoda Y, Komura H, Homma S, et al. Browning ofmodel orange juice solution: factors affecting theformation of decomposition products.BiosciBiotechnol Biochem 2005; 69: 2129-2137.
41.Owczarek-Fendor A, De Meulenaer B, Scholl G, et al.Furan formation from vitamin C in a starch-basedmodel system: Influence of the reaction conditions.Food Chem 2010; 121: 1163-1170.
42.Owczarek-Fendor A, De Meulenaer B, Scholl G, et al.Furan formation from lipids in starch-based modelsystems, as influenced by interactions with antioxidantsand proteins. J Agri Food Chem 2011; 59: 2368-2376.
2.Mariotti MS, Granby K, Rozowski J, et al. Furan: acritical heat induced dietary contaminant. Food Funct2013; 4: 1001-1015.
3.US FDA. 2004a. Exploratory data of furan in foods. 7May 2004 (updated 2 August 2007) (cited: 21.07.2008).
4.US FDA. 2004b.Furan: Mechanisms of Formation andLevels in Food. 7 May 2004 (cited: 3.06.2013).
5.US FDA. 2004c. Center for Food Safety and AppliedNutrition (CFSAN/Office of Plant and Dairy Foods).(2004, May 7). Questions and answers on theoccurrence of furan in food.
6.Becalski A, Forsyth D, Casey V, et al. Development andvalidation of a headspace method for determination offuran in food. Food Addit Contam 2005; 22: 535-540.
7.Morehouse KM, Nyman PJ, McNeal TP, et al. Surveyof furan in heat processed foods by headspace gaschromatography/mass spectrometry and estimated adultexposure. Food Addit Contam 2008; 25: 259-264.
8.Perez Locas C and Yaylayan VA. Origin andmechanistic pathways of formation of the parent furanA food toxicant. J Agri Food Chem 2004; 52: 6830-6836.
9.Roberts D, Crews C, Grundy H, et al. Effect ofconsumer cooking on furan in convenience foods. FoodAddit Contam 2008; 25: 25-31.
10.Minorczyk M, Starski A, Jedra M, et al. Studies on theoccurrence of furan in food for infants by gaschromatography with mass spectrometry method.Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny 2011; 62:283-288.
11.EFSA, Results on themonitoring of furan levels in food.EFSA Scientific Report 2009, 304, 1–23.
12.Hasnip S, Crews C and Castle L. Some factors affectingthe formation of furan in heated foods. Food AdditContam 2006; 23: 219-227.
13.Moro S, Chipman JK, Wegener JW, et al. Furan in heat‐treated foods: Formation, exposure, toxicity, andaspects of risk assessment. Mol Nutr Food Res 2012;56: 1197-1211.
14.Yaylayan V. Precursors, formation and determination of furan in food. J Consum Prot Food Safe 2006; 1: 5-9.
15.Limacher A, Kerler J, Davidek T, et al. Formation offuran and methylfuran by Maillard-type reactions inmodel systems and food. J Agri Food Chem 2008; 56:3639-3647.
16.Fromberg A, Fagt S and Granby K. Furan in heatprocessed food products including home cooked foodproducts and ready‐to‐eat products. EFSA SupportPublic 2009; 6.
17.Fan X, Huang L, Sokorai KJ. Factors affectingthermally induced furan formation. J Agri Food Chem2008; 56: 9490-9494.
18.IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)(1995) Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenicrisks to humans, volume 63. Dry cleaning, somechlorinated solvents and other industrial chemicals.IARC, Lyon, pp 3194–3407.
19.Bakhiya N and Appel KE. Toxicity and carcinogenicityof furan in human diet. Arch Toxicol 2010; 84: 563-578.
20.Hamadeh HK, Jayadev S, Gaillard ET, et al. Integrationof clinical and gene expression endpoints to explorefuran-mediated hepatotoxicity. Mutation. Res/FundMol Mech Mutagen 2004; 549: 169-183.
21.Moser GJ, Foley J, Burnett M, et al. Furan-induceddose–response relationships for liver cytotoxicity, cellproliferation, and tumorigenicity (furan-induced livertumorigenicity). Exp Toxicol Pathol 2009; 61: 101-111.
22.Ding W, Petibone DM, Latendresse JR, et al. In vivogenotoxicity of furan in F344 rats at cancer bioassaydoses. Toxicol Applied Pharm 2012; 261: 164-171.
23.Mcdaniel P, Mittelstaedt A, Dobrovolsky N, et al.Genotoxicity of Furan in Big Blue Rats. Environ MolMutagen 2010; 51: 728.
24.Mally A, Graff C, Schmal O, et al. Functional andproliferative effects of repeated low‐dose oraladministration of furan in rat liver. Mol Nutr Food Res2010; 54: 1556-1567.
25.Selmanoğlu G, Karacaoğlu E, Kılıç A, et al. Toxicity offood contaminant furan on liver and kidney of growingmale rats. Environ Toxicol 2012; 27: 613-622.
26.Gill S, Bondy G, Lefebvre D, et al. Subchronic oraltoxicity study of furan in Fischer-344 rats. ToxicolPathol 2010; 38: 619-630.
27.Kataoka H, Lord HL and Pawliszyn J. Applications ofsolid-phase microextraction in food analysis. J chromA 2000; 880: 35-62.
28.Altaki M, Santos F and Galceran M. Analysis of furanin foods by headspace solid-phase microextraction–gaschromatography–ion trap mass spectrometry. J ChromA 2007; 1146: 103-109.
29.Leopardi P, Cordelli E, Villani P, et al. Assessment ofin vivo genotoxicity of the rodent carcinogen furan:evaluation of DNA damage and induction ofmicronuclei in mouse splenocytes. Mutagen 2009; 25:57-62.
30.Neuwirth C, Mosesso P, Pepe G, et al. Furancarcinogenicity: DNA binding and genotoxicity offuran in rats in vivo. Mol Nutr Food Res 2012; 56:1363-1374.
31.Hibi D, Yokoo Y, Suzuki Y, et al. Lack of genotoxicmechanisms in early‐stage furan‐inducedhepatocellular tumorigenesis in gpt delta rats. J ApplToxicol 2017; 37: 142-149.
32.Alam RT, Zeid EHA and Imam TS. Protective role ofquercetin against hematotoxic and immunotoxic effectsof furan in rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2017; 24:3780-3789.
33.Wang E, Chen F, Hu X, et al. Protective effects ofapigenin against furan-induced toxicity in mice. FoodFunct 2014; 5: 1804-1812.
34.Hickling K, Hitchcock J, Chipman J, et al. Inductionand progression of cholangiofibrosis in rat liver injuredby oral administration of furan. Toxicol Pathol 2010;38: 213-229.
Koçkaya EA, Kılıç A, Karacaoğlu E, et al. Doesfuran affect the thymus in growing male rats? DrugChem Toxicol 2012; 35: 316-323.
36.Becalski A and Seaman S. Furan precursors in food: amodel study and development of a simple headspacemethod for determination of furan. J AOAC Inter 2005;88: 102-106.
37.Zoller O, Sager F and Reinhard H. Furan in food:headspace method and product survey. Food AdditContam 2007; 24: 91-107.
38.Märk J, Pollien P, Lindinger C, et al. Quantitation offuran and methylfuran formed in different precursorsystems by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry.J Agri Food Chem 2006; 54: 2786-2793.
39.Kim MY, Her J-Y, Kim MK, et al. Formation andreduction of furan in a soy sauce model system. FoodChem 2015; 189: 114-119.
40.Shinoda Y, Komura H, Homma S, et al. Browning ofmodel orange juice solution: factors affecting theformation of decomposition products.BiosciBiotechnol Biochem 2005; 69: 2129-2137.
41.Owczarek-Fendor A, De Meulenaer B, Scholl G, et al.Furan formation from vitamin C in a starch-basedmodel system: Influence of the reaction conditions.Food Chem 2010; 121: 1163-1170.
42.Owczarek-Fendor A, De Meulenaer B, Scholl G, et al.Furan formation from lipids in starch-based modelsystems, as influenced by interactions with antioxidantsand proteins. J Agri Food Chem 2011; 59: 2368-2376.
Issue | Vol 3 No 1/2 (2017): Winter/Spring | |
Section | Review Article(s) |
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How to Cite
Safaei P, Mohajer A, Jahed khaniki G. Furan in processed food: formation, toxicology and monitoring: a Review. J Food Safe & Hyg. 2018;3(1/2):1-6.