Evidence on charitable food assistance system’s compliance with safety and general hygiene requirements: A systematic scoping review
The charitable food assistance system has an influential role in the larger effort to curtail the problem of food insecurity globally. This review aimed at comparing evidence on the safety and general hygiene of the charitable food assistance system in Africa and the rest of the world. The search strategy involved electronic databases including African Index Medicus, PubMed, Google Scholar and EBSCOhost (MEDLINE with full text, Academic search complete, MEDLINE). We used a thematic analysis to identify the evidence on charitable food assistance programs’ degree of conformity with food safety and general hygiene requirements globally. Twenty-three articles met the inclusion criteria. The articles included evidence from the following high-income countries: United Arab Emirates; Nordic Region; Italy; United States; Hong Kong; Canada; Spain; Scotland; Singapore; Austria; Belgium; Wales and Northern Ireland. The following main themes emerged from the included studies: classification, challenges and barriers of the charitable food assistance system; cross-contamination of food and compliance with food hygiene and safety principles. Gaining a greater understanding of the factors affecting food safety and general hygiene compliance within charitable food assistance programs is important. The paucity of data on safety and general hygiene in the charitable food assistance programs globally, particularly in Africa was identified as one of the gaps that necessitates urgent action through primary research studies.
1. Yasuda T. Food safety regulation in the United States: An empirical and theoretical examination. Indep Rev 2010; 15: 201-26.
2. Smith AM, Gouws AM, Hoyland G, et al. Outbreaks of food-borne disease: A common occurrence but rarely reported. South Afric Med J 2007; 97: 1272.
3. Aluko OO, Ojeremi TT, Olaleke DA, et al. Evaluation of food safety and sanitary practices among food vendors at car parks in Ile Ife, southwestern Nigeria. Food Control 2014; 40: 165-71.
4. Lee H, Abdul Halim H, Thong K, et al. Assessment of food safety knowledge, attitude, self-reported practices, and microbiological hand hygiene of food handlers. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017; 14: 55.
5. Havelaar AH, Kirk MD, Torgerson PR, et al. World Health Organization global estimates and regional comparisons of the burden of foodborne disease in 2010. PLOS Med. 2015; 12: e1001923.
6. Kibret M, Abera B. The sanitary conditions of food service establishments and food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers in Bahir Dar town. Ethiopian J Health Sci 2012; 22.
7. Alimi BA. Risk factors in street food practices in developing countries: A review. Food Sci Human Well 2016; 5: 141-8.
8. Green LR, Selman C. Factors impacting food workers' and managers' safe food preparation practices: A qualitative study. Food Protect Trend 2005; 25: 981-90.
9. Malangu N. Risk Factors and Outcomes of Food Poisoning in Africa. Significance, Prevention and Control of Food Related Diseases: In Tech; 2016.
10. Oyemade A, Omokhodion FO, Olawuyi JF, et al. Environmental and personal hygiene practices: risk factors for diarrhoea among children of Nigerian market women. J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1998: 241-7.
11. Havelaar AH, Cawthorne A, Angulo F, et al. WHO initiative to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases. Lancet 2013; 381.
12. Organization WH. WHO estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases: foodborne disease burden epidemiology reference group 2007-2015: World Health Organization (WHO); 2015.
13. WHO. Listeriosis – South Africa: Disease outbreak news, World Health Organization (WHO); 2018.
14. Marler C. 1,053 Sick and 212 Dead from Tiger Brand Polony. 2018.
15. Akanbi BO, Usoh EA. Safety of Street-Vended Soy Wara in Nigeria. J Food Protect 2016; 79: 169-73.
16. Commission JFWCA, Programme JFWFS, Organization WH. Codex Alimentarius: Food Hygiene (Bsasic texts) - Fourth edition... 4 ed: Agri Consumer Protect, 2009.
17. Grace D, Dipeolu M, Olawoye J, et al. Evaluating a group-based intervention to improve the safety of meat in Bodija market, Ibadan, Nigeria. Trop Animal Health Prod 2012; 44 Suppl 1: S61-6.
18. Isara AR, Isah EC, Lofor PV, et al. Food contamination in fast food restaurants in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria: Implications for food hygiene and safety. Public Health 2010; 124: 467-71.
19. Akhtar S, Sarker MR, Hossain A. Microbiological food safety: a dilemma of developing societies. Crit Rev Microbiol 2014; 40: 348-59.
20. De Bruin W, Otto D, Korsten L. Microbiological Status and Food Safety Compliance of Commercial Basil Production Systems. J Food Protect 2016; 79: 43-50.
21. Grace D, Kang'ethe E, Waltner-Toews D. Participatory and integrative approaches to food safety in developing country cities. Trop Animal Health Prod 2012; 44 Suppl 1:S1-2.
22. Institute JB. Joanna Briggs Institute reviewers’ manual: 2014 edition. Adelaide: Joanna Briggs Institute; 2014.
23. Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Sys Rev 2015; 4: 1.
24. Levac D, Colquhoun H, O'Brien KK. Scoping studies: advancing the methodology. Implement Sci. 2010; 5(1) :69.
25. Pluye P, Robert E, Cargo M, et al. Proposal: A mixed methods appraisal tool for systematic mixed studies reviews. Montréal: McGill Uni. 2011; 2: 1-8.
26. Tyndall J. The AACODS checklist. 2010. 2017.
27. Bonaccorsi G, Lorini C, Pieralli F, et al. The right to food, food donation and microbiological problems of food safety: an experience in the territory of Florence. Ann Ist Super Sanita 2016; 52: 119-22.
28. Castrica M, Ratti S, Milicevic V, et al. Good Hygiene Practices In The Recovery Food Supply Chain: Case Study And Grading System Application For Charitable Organizations. Facta Universitatis, Series: Working Living Environ Prot 2018: 235-41.
29. Davis LB, Sengul I, Ivy JS, et al. Scheduling food bank collections and deliveries to ensure food safety and improve access. Socio-Econ Plan Sci 2014; 48:175-88.
30. Milicevic V, Colavita G, Castrica M, et al. Risk Assessment in the Recovery of Food for Social Solidarity Purposes: Preliminary Data. Ital J Food Safe 2016; 5: 6187.
31. Smith L, Sirsat SA, Neal JA. Does Food Safety Training for Non-Profit Food Service Volunteers Improve Food Safety Knowledge and Behavior. Food Prot Trends 2014; 34: 156-63.
32. Tarasuk V, Eakin JM. Food assistance through “surplus” food: Insights from an ethnographic study of food bank work. Agric Human Value 2005; 22: 177-86.
33. De Boeck E, Jacxsens L, Goubert H, et al. Ensuring food safety in food donations: Case study of the Belgian donation/acceptation chain. Food Res Int (Ottawa, Ont). 2017; 100: 137-49.
34. González-Torre PL, Coque J. From Food Waste to Donations: The Case of Marketplaces in Northern Spain. Sustainabil 2016; 8: 575.
35. Schneider F. The evolution of food donation with respect to waste prevention. Waste Manag 2013; 33: 755-63.
36. Gram-Hanssen I, Hanssen OJ, Hultén J, et al. Food redistribution in the Nordic Region: Nordic Council Minist; 2016.
37. Hanssen OJ, Ekegren P, Gram-Hanssen I, et al. Food Redistribution in the Nordic Region: Experiences and results from a pilot study: Nordic Council of Minist; 2015.
38. Ananprakrit N, Esbjörnsson M. Traceability in charitable food redistribution system-ensuring food safety and quality in a cold chain, LUP Stu Papers, 2017.
39. Waggoner SK. Food safety knowledge and practices of food recovery agency workers before and after food safety training, LUS, 2004.
40. De Pieri B, Tallarico T, Baglioni S, et al. European Policy for Food Security: The Surplus Food Redistribution Option. Food-saving Europe: Springer; 2017. p. 13-35.
41. Alphin III J. Observations of 501c (3) food banks and safe food handling and storage recommendations for food pantries, Virginia Tec, 2014.
42. Chi-fai C. Food donation policies in selected places - Information Note. 2017.
43. Frasz D, Morris H, Abbe R, et al. Food Rescue Services, Barriers, and Recommendations in Santa Clara County. Food Shift https://www sccgov org/sites/rwr/rwrc/Documents/Food Shift Final Report pdf. 2015.
44. Initiative HANa. Food safety requirements in charities. 2013.
45. Committee FR, editor Comprehensive guidelines for food recovery programs. 2000 Conference for Food Protection, Council I, Update March; 2007.
46. Region H. Food Safety Guide lines For Food Banks. 2011.
47. Agency NE. Guidelines on Food Donation. 2016.
48. Agency FS. Guidance on the application of EU food hygiene law to community and charity food provision. 2016.
49. Angela Frigo SGaMV. Recovery, Collection and Redistribution of Food for charitable purposes: Manual Of Good Practices For charitable organisations. 2015.
50. Milicevic V, Colavita G, Castrica M, et al. Risk assessment in the recovery of food for social solidarity purposes: preliminary data. Ital J food safe 2016; 5: -.
51. Gloria EA, Norris EI. Promoting food bank as a way of ensuring food security in Nigeria. İçindekiler/Content. J Food 2016; 41: 123-129.
52. Alexander C, Smaje C. Surplus retail food redistribution: An analysis of a third sector model. Resourc Conserv Recycl 2008; 52: 1290-8.
53. Garrone P, Melacini M, Perego A. Surplus food recovery and donation in Italy: the upstream process. Brit Food J 2014; 116: 1460-77.
54. O’Connor C, Gheoldus M, Jan O. Comparative Study on EU Member States’ legislation and practices on food donation. European Economic and Social Committee in Collaboration with Deloitte SA: Brussels, Belgium. 2014.
55. Vlaholias E, Thompson K, Every D, et al. Charity Starts … at Work? Conceptual Foundations for Research with Businesses that Donate to Food Redistribution Organisations. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 7997.
56. Hanssen OJ, Syversen F, Stø E. Edible food waste from Norwegian households—Detailed food waste composition analysis among households in two different regions in Norway. Resourc Conserv Recycl 2016; 109: 146-54.
57. Jörissen J, Priefer C, Bräutigam K-R. Food Waste Generation at Household Level: Results of a Survey among Employees of Two European Research Centers in Italy and Germany. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 2695.
58. Lehmann L. The Garbage Project Revisited: From a 20th Century Archaeology of Food Waste to a Contemporary Study of Food Packaging Waste. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 6994.
59. Møller H, Hagtvedt T, Lødrup N, et al. Food waste and date labelling: issues affecting the durability: Nordic Council of Ministers; 2016.
60. Muriana C. Effectiveness of the food recovery at the retailing stage under shelf life uncertainty: An application to Italian food chains. Waste Manage 2015; 41(Supplement C): 159-68.
61. Papargyropoulou E, Lozano R, Steinberger JK, et al. The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste. J Clean Prod 2014; 76: 106-15.
62. Reynolds C, Piantadosi J, Boland J. Rescuing Food from the Organics Waste Stream to Feed the Food Insecure: An Economic and Environmental Assessment of Australian Food Rescue Operations Using Environmentally Extended Waste Input-Output Analysis. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 4707.
63. Food U, Administration D. Food Safety: It's Especially Important for At-Risk Groups. US Food and Drug Administration Available at: http://www FDA gov/Food/Foodborne Illness Contaminants/People At Risk/ucm352830 htm (accessed 12 September 2014). 2013.
64. Zaytseva NV, Tutelyan VA, Shur PZ, et al. [Experience of justification of hygienic standards of food safety with the use of criteria for the risk population health]. Gig Sanit 2014: 70-4.
65. Tarasuk V, Dachner N. The proliferation of charitable meal programs in Toronto. Canad Public Polic 2009; 35: 433-50.
66. Abramenkova O, G. Amelin V, I. Ruchnova O, et al. Food product contamination risks at different stages of production, 2017. 33-9 p.
67. Capodistrias P. Reducing food waste through direct surplus food redistribution: The Norwegian Case: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås; 2015.
68. Warshawsky DN. Urban Food Insecurity and the advent of food banking in southern Africa: African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN); 2011.
69. Park H-S, Bae H-J, Lee J-H, et al. Implementation of HACCP system for safety of donated food in foodbank organization. J Korean Soc Food Cult 2002; 17: 315-28.
70. Mensah P, Mwamakamba L, Mohamed C, et al. Public health and food safety in the WHO African region. Afr J Food Agric Nutr Dev 2012; 12: 6317-35.
71. Ababio PF, Lovatt P. A review on food safety and food hygiene studies in Ghana. Food Control 2015; 47 (Supplement C):92-7.
72. Djekic I, Smigic N, Kalogianni EP, et al. Food hygiene practices in different food establishments. Food Control 2014; 39 (Supplement C):34-40.
73. FAO I. WFP: The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013. The multiple dimensions of food security. FAO, Rome. 2013.
74. Van Nierop W, Duse A, Marais E, et al. Contamination of chicken carcasses in Gauteng, South Africa, by Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter. Int J Food Microbiol 2005; 99: 1-6.
75. Foodstuffs C, Act D. No 54 of 1972. Regulation.991.
2. Smith AM, Gouws AM, Hoyland G, et al. Outbreaks of food-borne disease: A common occurrence but rarely reported. South Afric Med J 2007; 97: 1272.
3. Aluko OO, Ojeremi TT, Olaleke DA, et al. Evaluation of food safety and sanitary practices among food vendors at car parks in Ile Ife, southwestern Nigeria. Food Control 2014; 40: 165-71.
4. Lee H, Abdul Halim H, Thong K, et al. Assessment of food safety knowledge, attitude, self-reported practices, and microbiological hand hygiene of food handlers. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017; 14: 55.
5. Havelaar AH, Kirk MD, Torgerson PR, et al. World Health Organization global estimates and regional comparisons of the burden of foodborne disease in 2010. PLOS Med. 2015; 12: e1001923.
6. Kibret M, Abera B. The sanitary conditions of food service establishments and food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers in Bahir Dar town. Ethiopian J Health Sci 2012; 22.
7. Alimi BA. Risk factors in street food practices in developing countries: A review. Food Sci Human Well 2016; 5: 141-8.
8. Green LR, Selman C. Factors impacting food workers' and managers' safe food preparation practices: A qualitative study. Food Protect Trend 2005; 25: 981-90.
9. Malangu N. Risk Factors and Outcomes of Food Poisoning in Africa. Significance, Prevention and Control of Food Related Diseases: In Tech; 2016.
10. Oyemade A, Omokhodion FO, Olawuyi JF, et al. Environmental and personal hygiene practices: risk factors for diarrhoea among children of Nigerian market women. J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1998: 241-7.
11. Havelaar AH, Cawthorne A, Angulo F, et al. WHO initiative to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases. Lancet 2013; 381.
12. Organization WH. WHO estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases: foodborne disease burden epidemiology reference group 2007-2015: World Health Organization (WHO); 2015.
13. WHO. Listeriosis – South Africa: Disease outbreak news, World Health Organization (WHO); 2018.
14. Marler C. 1,053 Sick and 212 Dead from Tiger Brand Polony. 2018.
15. Akanbi BO, Usoh EA. Safety of Street-Vended Soy Wara in Nigeria. J Food Protect 2016; 79: 169-73.
16. Commission JFWCA, Programme JFWFS, Organization WH. Codex Alimentarius: Food Hygiene (Bsasic texts) - Fourth edition... 4 ed: Agri Consumer Protect, 2009.
17. Grace D, Dipeolu M, Olawoye J, et al. Evaluating a group-based intervention to improve the safety of meat in Bodija market, Ibadan, Nigeria. Trop Animal Health Prod 2012; 44 Suppl 1: S61-6.
18. Isara AR, Isah EC, Lofor PV, et al. Food contamination in fast food restaurants in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria: Implications for food hygiene and safety. Public Health 2010; 124: 467-71.
19. Akhtar S, Sarker MR, Hossain A. Microbiological food safety: a dilemma of developing societies. Crit Rev Microbiol 2014; 40: 348-59.
20. De Bruin W, Otto D, Korsten L. Microbiological Status and Food Safety Compliance of Commercial Basil Production Systems. J Food Protect 2016; 79: 43-50.
21. Grace D, Kang'ethe E, Waltner-Toews D. Participatory and integrative approaches to food safety in developing country cities. Trop Animal Health Prod 2012; 44 Suppl 1:S1-2.
22. Institute JB. Joanna Briggs Institute reviewers’ manual: 2014 edition. Adelaide: Joanna Briggs Institute; 2014.
23. Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Sys Rev 2015; 4: 1.
24. Levac D, Colquhoun H, O'Brien KK. Scoping studies: advancing the methodology. Implement Sci. 2010; 5(1) :69.
25. Pluye P, Robert E, Cargo M, et al. Proposal: A mixed methods appraisal tool for systematic mixed studies reviews. Montréal: McGill Uni. 2011; 2: 1-8.
26. Tyndall J. The AACODS checklist. 2010. 2017.
27. Bonaccorsi G, Lorini C, Pieralli F, et al. The right to food, food donation and microbiological problems of food safety: an experience in the territory of Florence. Ann Ist Super Sanita 2016; 52: 119-22.
28. Castrica M, Ratti S, Milicevic V, et al. Good Hygiene Practices In The Recovery Food Supply Chain: Case Study And Grading System Application For Charitable Organizations. Facta Universitatis, Series: Working Living Environ Prot 2018: 235-41.
29. Davis LB, Sengul I, Ivy JS, et al. Scheduling food bank collections and deliveries to ensure food safety and improve access. Socio-Econ Plan Sci 2014; 48:175-88.
30. Milicevic V, Colavita G, Castrica M, et al. Risk Assessment in the Recovery of Food for Social Solidarity Purposes: Preliminary Data. Ital J Food Safe 2016; 5: 6187.
31. Smith L, Sirsat SA, Neal JA. Does Food Safety Training for Non-Profit Food Service Volunteers Improve Food Safety Knowledge and Behavior. Food Prot Trends 2014; 34: 156-63.
32. Tarasuk V, Eakin JM. Food assistance through “surplus” food: Insights from an ethnographic study of food bank work. Agric Human Value 2005; 22: 177-86.
33. De Boeck E, Jacxsens L, Goubert H, et al. Ensuring food safety in food donations: Case study of the Belgian donation/acceptation chain. Food Res Int (Ottawa, Ont). 2017; 100: 137-49.
34. González-Torre PL, Coque J. From Food Waste to Donations: The Case of Marketplaces in Northern Spain. Sustainabil 2016; 8: 575.
35. Schneider F. The evolution of food donation with respect to waste prevention. Waste Manag 2013; 33: 755-63.
36. Gram-Hanssen I, Hanssen OJ, Hultén J, et al. Food redistribution in the Nordic Region: Nordic Council Minist; 2016.
37. Hanssen OJ, Ekegren P, Gram-Hanssen I, et al. Food Redistribution in the Nordic Region: Experiences and results from a pilot study: Nordic Council of Minist; 2015.
38. Ananprakrit N, Esbjörnsson M. Traceability in charitable food redistribution system-ensuring food safety and quality in a cold chain, LUP Stu Papers, 2017.
39. Waggoner SK. Food safety knowledge and practices of food recovery agency workers before and after food safety training, LUS, 2004.
40. De Pieri B, Tallarico T, Baglioni S, et al. European Policy for Food Security: The Surplus Food Redistribution Option. Food-saving Europe: Springer; 2017. p. 13-35.
41. Alphin III J. Observations of 501c (3) food banks and safe food handling and storage recommendations for food pantries, Virginia Tec, 2014.
42. Chi-fai C. Food donation policies in selected places - Information Note. 2017.
43. Frasz D, Morris H, Abbe R, et al. Food Rescue Services, Barriers, and Recommendations in Santa Clara County. Food Shift https://www sccgov org/sites/rwr/rwrc/Documents/Food Shift Final Report pdf. 2015.
44. Initiative HANa. Food safety requirements in charities. 2013.
45. Committee FR, editor Comprehensive guidelines for food recovery programs. 2000 Conference for Food Protection, Council I, Update March; 2007.
46. Region H. Food Safety Guide lines For Food Banks. 2011.
47. Agency NE. Guidelines on Food Donation. 2016.
48. Agency FS. Guidance on the application of EU food hygiene law to community and charity food provision. 2016.
49. Angela Frigo SGaMV. Recovery, Collection and Redistribution of Food for charitable purposes: Manual Of Good Practices For charitable organisations. 2015.
50. Milicevic V, Colavita G, Castrica M, et al. Risk assessment in the recovery of food for social solidarity purposes: preliminary data. Ital J food safe 2016; 5: -.
51. Gloria EA, Norris EI. Promoting food bank as a way of ensuring food security in Nigeria. İçindekiler/Content. J Food 2016; 41: 123-129.
52. Alexander C, Smaje C. Surplus retail food redistribution: An analysis of a third sector model. Resourc Conserv Recycl 2008; 52: 1290-8.
53. Garrone P, Melacini M, Perego A. Surplus food recovery and donation in Italy: the upstream process. Brit Food J 2014; 116: 1460-77.
54. O’Connor C, Gheoldus M, Jan O. Comparative Study on EU Member States’ legislation and practices on food donation. European Economic and Social Committee in Collaboration with Deloitte SA: Brussels, Belgium. 2014.
55. Vlaholias E, Thompson K, Every D, et al. Charity Starts … at Work? Conceptual Foundations for Research with Businesses that Donate to Food Redistribution Organisations. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 7997.
56. Hanssen OJ, Syversen F, Stø E. Edible food waste from Norwegian households—Detailed food waste composition analysis among households in two different regions in Norway. Resourc Conserv Recycl 2016; 109: 146-54.
57. Jörissen J, Priefer C, Bräutigam K-R. Food Waste Generation at Household Level: Results of a Survey among Employees of Two European Research Centers in Italy and Germany. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 2695.
58. Lehmann L. The Garbage Project Revisited: From a 20th Century Archaeology of Food Waste to a Contemporary Study of Food Packaging Waste. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 6994.
59. Møller H, Hagtvedt T, Lødrup N, et al. Food waste and date labelling: issues affecting the durability: Nordic Council of Ministers; 2016.
60. Muriana C. Effectiveness of the food recovery at the retailing stage under shelf life uncertainty: An application to Italian food chains. Waste Manage 2015; 41(Supplement C): 159-68.
61. Papargyropoulou E, Lozano R, Steinberger JK, et al. The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste. J Clean Prod 2014; 76: 106-15.
62. Reynolds C, Piantadosi J, Boland J. Rescuing Food from the Organics Waste Stream to Feed the Food Insecure: An Economic and Environmental Assessment of Australian Food Rescue Operations Using Environmentally Extended Waste Input-Output Analysis. Sustainabil 2015; 7: 4707.
63. Food U, Administration D. Food Safety: It's Especially Important for At-Risk Groups. US Food and Drug Administration Available at: http://www FDA gov/Food/Foodborne Illness Contaminants/People At Risk/ucm352830 htm (accessed 12 September 2014). 2013.
64. Zaytseva NV, Tutelyan VA, Shur PZ, et al. [Experience of justification of hygienic standards of food safety with the use of criteria for the risk population health]. Gig Sanit 2014: 70-4.
65. Tarasuk V, Dachner N. The proliferation of charitable meal programs in Toronto. Canad Public Polic 2009; 35: 433-50.
66. Abramenkova O, G. Amelin V, I. Ruchnova O, et al. Food product contamination risks at different stages of production, 2017. 33-9 p.
67. Capodistrias P. Reducing food waste through direct surplus food redistribution: The Norwegian Case: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås; 2015.
68. Warshawsky DN. Urban Food Insecurity and the advent of food banking in southern Africa: African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN); 2011.
69. Park H-S, Bae H-J, Lee J-H, et al. Implementation of HACCP system for safety of donated food in foodbank organization. J Korean Soc Food Cult 2002; 17: 315-28.
70. Mensah P, Mwamakamba L, Mohamed C, et al. Public health and food safety in the WHO African region. Afr J Food Agric Nutr Dev 2012; 12: 6317-35.
71. Ababio PF, Lovatt P. A review on food safety and food hygiene studies in Ghana. Food Control 2015; 47 (Supplement C):92-7.
72. Djekic I, Smigic N, Kalogianni EP, et al. Food hygiene practices in different food establishments. Food Control 2014; 39 (Supplement C):34-40.
73. FAO I. WFP: The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013. The multiple dimensions of food security. FAO, Rome. 2013.
74. Van Nierop W, Duse A, Marais E, et al. Contamination of chicken carcasses in Gauteng, South Africa, by Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter. Int J Food Microbiol 2005; 99: 1-6.
75. Foodstuffs C, Act D. No 54 of 1972. Regulation.991.
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Issue | Vol 4 No 3/4 (2018): Summer/Autumn | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Charitable; Food; Donation; Safety; Hygiene; Africa |
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How to Cite
Makhunga S, Mashamba-Thompson T, Hlongwa M, Hlongwana K. Evidence on charitable food assistance system’s compliance with safety and general hygiene requirements: A systematic scoping review. J Food Safe & Hyg. 2019;4(3/4).